A Mid Year Reset Guide to Get Back on Track Before the New Year – Free Printables

mid year reset

Did you know that over 80% of people give up on their New Year’s resolutions by February?

Why? Because a goal without a plan is just a dream. Now is the perfect time to reflect, review, and refocus to set you up for success in the second half of the year.

At the start of each year, we often set ambitious resolutions and goals with high hopes for the year ahead. However, as the year progresses, our priorities may shift, and we may lose sight of our initial intentions.

This blog post is all about a step-by-step guide to my proven mid year reset.

How to do a Mid Year Reset for your Life

A mid-year reset allows you to reflect on your progress and make necessary changes to ensure a successful remainder of the year. I take time in June or July to reflect, review, and refocus to stay on track and achieve my goals for the year.

I will guide you through the process I follow for my mid-year reset below. Everyone is unique and at different points in their journey, so personalize your mid-year reset to align with what you find most beneficial. Remember, there is no strict formula, just suggestions to help you live more purposefully.

1. Reflect on the First Half of the Year

I start with a mid-year reflection on the last six months to identify accomplishments, lessons learned, and areas for improvement. I also reflect on daily routines that made me feel good, daily habits that helped me achieve my goals, and all the things that happened.

I then practice gratitude and self-reflection. I believe that gratitude is the way to bring more into your life. You need to start with a list of things you are grateful for. Think about what you are grateful for, not what you don’t want. Focus on what you already have.

When you are self-reflecting, you have to leave pride outside the door. This is a great time to perform a life audit. You can use these free printables for your mid year check. Practicing gratitude and self-reflection journaling prompts will help you celebrate successes and gain valuable insights.

You should also start to identify new intentions, habits, and priorities that you wish to refocus on in the second half of the year. Reassessing priorities will ensure your goals are aligned with what you really want to accomplish at the end of the year. And remember, it is okay to abandon or change your original goals.

2. Celebrate Your Accomplishments

I believe you need to take the time to celebrate your personal wins. By doing so, you are practicing self-care and self-love. You are recognizing your own worth and the effort you put into everything you do. This helps me boost my self-esteem and confidence, which can, in turn, make me a better mom, wife, friend, and colleague.

Celebrating your personal wins can also help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. Whether it’s reaching a fitness milestone, finishing a project at work, or simply getting through a tough day with the kids, celebrating these achievements can give you the push to keep striving for more.

Check out the free printables for ideas on celebrating big and small wins during your mid year review.

3. Mid Year Review of Your Goals

It is now time to evaluate progress toward yearly goals and identify areas for improvement and adjustment. Review and reset goals for the remainder of the year to ensure they align with your values and priorities.

It is also a good time to abandon goals that no longer make sense. For example, I had a yearly goal of losing 50 pounds and discovered I was pregnant in February. Losing weight makes no sense to me now.

It is also a good time to set new goals, habits, intentions, and routines to help you reset your life and jump-start the rest of the year.

4. Set Mid Year Goals

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard of setting SMART goals. But most people don’t. Most people set goals that are not specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, or time-bound. Remember, a goal without a SMART plan is just a dream.

This is a good time to set SMART goals and break down large goals into smaller, manageable tasks to create a solid foundation for achieving them. You can use the free printables to help you set SMART goals for the rest of the calendar year.

5. Refocus for the Next Six Months

Congratulations! You’ve made it this far in your mid year reset, and now it’s time to set yourself up for success. I do a few things to refocus and create a work and home environment to help me stay on track.

Create an Action Plan for the Second Half

  • Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, or time-bound goals
  • Identify potential obstacles and create a plan to overcome them
  • Stay motivated and committed to personal growth and goal achievement

Create a Vision Board to Visualize Success and Stay Motivated

  • Use Your Vision Board as a Road Map
  • It is okay to throw away the vision board you set in January
  • Include big goals and dreams, a little wish list, intentions, words for the year, etc.

Build a Support System for Success

  • Build a support system for staying on track, including finding an accountability partner
  • Schedule “important days” and prioritize self-care to maintain mental health and well-being
  • Create a quiet space for reflection and goal-setting to help you stay focused

Resetting Your Daily Routine for Success

  • Tidy up your space and create a conducive environment for productivity and personal growth
  • Schedule time for self-reflection and goal-setting to ensure you stay on track
  • Prioritize self-care and personal development to maintain a fulfilling life

Overcoming Obstacles and Staying on Track

  • Anticipate and overcome common obstacles, such as losing sight of goals or experiencing a mid year funk
  • Stay motivated and committed to personal growth and goal achievement, even when circumstances change
  • Practice goal flexibility and adjust goals as needed to ensure success

Recap of the mid year reset process

I believe that discipline is a stronger ally than motivation. This is why I create SMART goals, systems, and routines to help me stay disciplined and focused.

  • 1. Reflect on the First Half of the Year
  • 2. Celebrate Your Accomplishments
  • 3. Mid Year Review of Your Goals
  • 4. Set Mid Year Goals
  • 5. Refocus for the Next Six Months
mid year review

This blog post was all about resetting your mid year and getting back on track before the new year!

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  1. midyear reset is a great way to be focused on goals through the year-end and finishing the year strong. Thank you for these great messages.

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