27 Life-Changing Tips for Working Busy Moms to Thrive in 2024

tips for working moms

About two-thirds of the 23.5 million working women are working mothers.

Last year, I became a busy working mom. When my short maternity leave ended, I joined millions of working mothers trying to balance a career, home, and family. All while trying (and failing badly) to prioritize my health and self-care.

Whether you are pregnant, a new mom, or a busy mom needing some reassurance, keep reading!

This blog post is all about tips for working busy moms.

working busy mom

Key Takeaways

  • Time Management: Plan and prepare, task batching and time blocking, embracing saying no, reflecting on achievements.
  • Delegation and Outsourcing: Delegate and ask for help, utilize community resources, and delegate household chores.
  • Self-Care: Prioritize self-care, make time for mindful moments, find time for fitness, establish routines for success, and sleep when you can.
  • Family Inclusion: Set aside quality time with children, empower family members, plan family-inclusive activities, invest in intimacy with your partner, and create designated work and school areas.
  • Financial Management: Create a budget, automate bill payments, and know where your money goes.
  • Mindset and Emotional Well-being: Challenge the narrative, practice self-compassion, and set realistic expectations.

1. Master the Art of Time Management

Time, the elusive resource, often slips through our fingers when we need it the most. Mastering the art of time management can feel like finding a golden ticket for working moms. So, here are a few game changers to maximize the limited number of hours in your busy day.

  • Plan and prepare for the week ahead every Sunday, including meal planning, organizing schedules, and setting goals.
  • Focus on family and your priorities rather than distractions (i.e., social media).
  • Maximize your lunch breaks to run quick errands.
  • Don’t let perfection get in the way of progress. Learn to let go of perfection and accept that not everything has to be done perfectly.
  • Plan family-inclusive activities. Set aside quality time with your children every day, even if it’s brief.
  • Implement innovative shopping solutions. Take advantage of grocery delivery services or online shopping to save time.

2. Embrace the Power of Saying No

For working moms, learning to say no is not a sign of weakness but a testament to your strength. Learning to say no is about establishing boundaries, avoiding overextension, and recognizing that you are not just a mom but also a professional with distinct priorities.

3. Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries was tough for me. I started to set these boundaries when I was pregnant. Being the oldest in my family, I was the go-to person for my parents and siblings. However, I had to learn the value of the word ‘no.’

You must set boundaries with your family, friends, colleagues, and current relationships. It is a must! Otherwise, you will burn out, and you and your baby will suffer.

4. Set Priorities

Let’s face it. Your priorities have changed. At least mine did. I stopped the juggling act of a busy working mom’s life. Instead, I set priorities to guide me toward efficiency and balance.

It’s all about recognizing what truly matters and addressing those tasks first. Prioritizing empowers you to sift through the noise. I stopped multitasking so I could be present when I was working and when I was with my family.

Need help setting your priorities? Check out this blog post from mompowerment.

5. Set Realistic Goals

Have you set your new year’s goals? We all make the mistake of setting unrealistic goals every year, and then we feel disappointed when we cannot achieve them.

You are a mom now. You are not the same person that you were before your baby.

I recommend that you research Ikigai. This really helped me set my career goals for my full time job and goals for my home life and personal aspirations.

6. Establish Routines for Success

I know you’ve stumbled upon a YouTube video showcasing a picture-perfect morning routine, complete with smiling children, gourmet breakfasts, and a serene yoga session, only to wonder if you’re doing it all wrong – you’re not alone.

A well-structured morning routine, which may include packing everything the night before and starting the day with hydration, can serve as a springboard for the remaining day.

Morning Momentum

Consider the morning routine to be like the breakfast of your day – it’s indispensable, sets the tone, and energizes your daily activities.

  • Wake up early to have some quiet time to yourself before the day starts. I call this my Morning MAGIC routine.
  • Simplify your morning routine by preparing outfits and lunches the night before.
  • Create a capsule wardrobe with mix-and-match pieces to simplify getting dressed.
  • Create an easy skincare and make-up routine
morning routine for busy moms

Evening Wind-Down

An evening routine aids working moms in transitioning from work mode to home mode after a long day of juggling multiple roles.

An evening routine, which might include laying out clothes for the next day or setting the breakfast table, can ease the morning rush and enhance morning efficiency.

Bedtime routine for busy moms

7.  Establish a Cleaning Routine

Create a daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning schedule to help you stay on track. Break down tasks into manageable chunks and spread them throughout the week to avoid becoming overwhelmed.

Also, please STOP cleaning your house so damn much! I used to spend hours and sometimes weekends making my house squeaky clean. Yes, you should keep a clean house for your kids, but there is a difference between a dirty home and a messy lived-in one!

Cleaning checklist for busy moms

8. Stay organized.

I am a planner girl! But you can use digital planners, apps, to-do lists, command centers, family calendars, voice memos, or paper planners like me. Find ways to stay organized. Organization is the key to success for busy working moms.

Best Planners for Busy Moms

Here are a few of the planners that I’ve used and loved.

Check out this blog post if you want the full list!

9. Prioritize Self-Care Amidst the Chaos

While juggling career and home, working moms can easily overlook their own needs. However, remember that self-care is not a luxury but a necessity.

Practicing self-care does not imply neglecting your responsibilities. Rather, it signifies replenishing your energy to continue being the super mom you are. So, whether it involves a quick morning run, an evening hot bath, or a brief meditation session during the day, ensure to prioritize self-care.

Sleep When You Can

Sleep when you can, even if it’s not during conventional bedtime hours. Take advantage of any opportunity to get some sleep. It may mean sleeping in the daytime or going to bed early, but every bit of rest helps.

Sleep deprivation can affect your mental health, so be unapologetic about prioritizing your sleep.

My Rules for Self-Care

Here are a few things I do to keep myself healthy, happy and thriving:

  • Drink plenty of water, especially if you are breastfeeding.
  • Stay fit. Find ways to exercise. I prefer to get up early so I can focus on my workout. However, when I do not, I make working out a fun activity with my baby.
  • Meditate or find quiet moments throughout the day to relax and clear your mind (journaling and reading books for me).
  • Get your hair and nails done! I treat myself once a month and take half of a Saturday to pamper myself. I come home full of energy and self-love.
    And when the golden opportunity of nap time arises, seize it – whether for tackling tasks or indulging in some well-deserved self-care.

10. Practice Mindfulness Moments

Practicing mindfulness can help working moms maintain their center, stay focused, and discover tranquility amid life’s chaos by taking deep, calming breaths or setting aside a few minutes for peaceful meditation.

11. Find Time for Fitness

While attending to everyone else’s needs, do not neglect your own. Allocating time for fitness equates to investing in your health. Fitness involves carving out some ‘me time’ or what I call ‘Janet time’ or ‘alone time’ to improve your physical health, subsequently enhancing your mental well-being.

12. Practice Self-Compassion

Be kind to yourself and treat yourself with the same understanding and forgiveness you would offer to a friend. Remind yourself that you are human, and it is natural to have limitations and imperfections. Be mindful of the words you use to describe yourself.

13. Delegate and Outsource to Save Time

Consider yourself as the CEO of your life, and like any successful CEO, you have the ability to delegate and outsource tasks. Assigning chores to your children or utilizing online grocery services can be your secret weapon to manage your hectic schedule.

Outsourcing does not indicate inadequacy but represents a clever strategy to manage time and mitigate stress. Outsourcing, whether hiring a cleaning service or using a meal prep delivery, can free up your time, enabling you to concentrate on the most important aspects: spending quality time with your family and advancing your career.

busy moms

13. Empower Family Members

Involving your family in daily chores, especially with multiple kids, extends beyond merely sharing the load. It teaches responsibility, teamwork, and life skills to your children. This practice empowers them to contribute to the family and take responsibility for their roles.

Involving your family in chores, from cleaning their room to assisting with dinner, can be an excellent way to spend quality time together while accomplishing tasks.

14. Save on Smart Shopping Solutions

If you are reading this, you access to a phone, tablet, or computer. So, use it to your benefit. For instance, online grocery shopping delivery services can save time and energy that can be redirected elsewhere. I try to skip the busy lines and crowds in the grocery stores.

Buying my groceries online has been a game changer for my budget too. It helps me adhere to my grocery list, avoiding the impulse purchases to which we all occasionally succumb.

15. Build a Supportive Network

You really do need a village! Constructing a supportive network is vital for working mothers to flourish in both their personal and professional lives. However, if you’re anything like me, making new friends is hard! (All my closest friends with kids and small children are several states away.)

Here are a few tips to get that extra support, especially if you’re a single mom.

  • Form a carpool group with other moms,
  • Join a local mom’s group,
  • Host play dates with your friendly neighborhood moms
  • Find other working moms and plan to get each other’s to-dos or errands together

Working moms can provide advice, resources, and a sympathetic ear when it’s most needed. After all, being “just a mom” doesn’t mean you have to face everything alone.

Create Mom Friendships

Balancing work and family can often lead to overlooking one’s social life. However, keep in mind that you are not just a mother or an employee – you are also an individual who requires friendships and connections.

Forming bonds with other moms can provide both emotional support and practical advice. These friendships, whether they involve sharing tips, discussing challenges, or just casual daily chats, can offer a sense of camaraderie and understanding that is truly priceless.

16. Leveraging Community Resources

Alongside your personal network, remember to utilize community resources. Your local community is a rich source of resources that can aid working moms. Community resources, whether in the form of:

  • childcare support
  • networking and support groups
  • skill-building and career development resources
  • financial assistance

17. Innovating Your To-Do List

In the digital age, the traditional to-do list has transformed into a potent tool that can aid in managing tasks more efficiently. Innovating your to-do list with strategies like time blocking and task batching can be pivotal in achieving work-life balance. The aim is to work smarter instead of harder, maximizing your time.

Remember that a well-organized to-do list extends beyond being a mere list of tasks. It serves as a roadmap to your day, a guide to your priorities, and a tool for maintaining focus. Therefore, don’t merely list your tasks but strategically plan them to ensure effective and efficient use of your time.

Task Batching and Time Blocking

Employing task batching and time blocking can elevate your productivity. Here’s how:

  1. Group similar tasks together.
  2. Allocate specific time blocks for each task.
  3. Minimize distractions and enhance focus.
  4. Provide each task with its own time and space.
  5. Fully immerse in the task at hand and maximize productivity.

18. Celebrate Small Victories

In the quest for big goals, remember to rejoice in the small victories along the way. Each victory, whether completing a work project, successfully managing a busy day, or simply enjoying a peaceful family dinner, is a testament to your hard work and resilience, irrespective of its size.

Remember, each achievement is a step towards success. Celebrating these achievements can boost your confidence and inspire you to persist in striving for your goals. Therefore, the next time you cross off a task from your to-do list, take a moment to rejoice in your achievement. After all, you’ve earned it.

Reflecting on Daily Achievements

Reflection is a potent tool that can assist you in appreciating your progress and maintaining focus on your goals. At the end of each day, devote a few moments to reflect on your achievements, regardless of their size. This practice not only aids in appreciating your hard work but also inspires you to continue working towards your goals.

Remember, every achievement is worth celebrating, no matter how big or small.

19. Integrate Work and Family Creatively

For working moms, balancing work and family life is a constant balancing act. But who’s to say you can’t inject a bit of fun into the process?

Through creative integration of work and family life, balance can be found while enjoying quality time with loved ones. Whether involving your children in work-related activities or finding ways to combine work with family time, being creative can make balancing work and family life a bit easier.

Remember that work and family are not separate entities but interconnected facets of your life. Therefore, don’t hesitate to blur the boundaries slightly. Incorporate your family into your work and your work into your family life. After all, it’s about discovering a balance that suits you best.

Family-Inclusive Activities

Family time is not just about being together. It’s about creating enduring memories. Organizing family-inclusive activities can fortify bonds and help create these memories. Activities such as family walks or cooking together offer quality time and bonding opportunities.

The next time you plan your weekend, consider incorporating a family activity or attending school events. It’s a fun way to spend time together and create memories that will last a lifetime.

20. Streamline Mealtime Madness

Mealtime represents the daily chaos that every working mom is all too familiar with. Mealtime, encompassing meal planning, cooking, and cleaning, can be stressful in a working mom’s day. However, with some planning and organization, this chaos can be streamlined, saving time and reducing stress during the lunch break.

Some practical tips for meal preparation include:

  • Investing in high-quality food containers
  • Portioning and freezing leftovers
  • Compiling a list of easy-to-cook dinners
  • Planning meals
  • Preparing food in advance

These strategies will save you time and ensure that your family consumes nutritious and balanced meals.

Weekly Meal Planning

Weekly meal planning can significantly streamline mealtime. Weekly meal planning involves planning your meals, purchasing all the ingredients at once, and preparing your meals in advance.

This saves you time during the week and reduces the stress of figuring out what to cook each day. Plus, it ensures that your family eats healthy, home-cooked meals most days of the week.

21. Create a Budget to Manage Your Finances Effectively

If you are like me, you have already wasted a bunch of money during your nesting period. And now that you have your baby, you want to give them the world. Don’t break the bank, and stick to a budget.

Organize your bills, set up autopay, go paperless, include your partner, save, and invest wisely. Knowing where your money is going can help you prioritize and make better financial decisions.

Check out my Annual Budget Template to help you create your budget before the New Year!

22. Invest in Intimacy with your Partner

Plan regular date nights with your partner to maintain a strong relationship. This was the biggest challenge but the most rewarding for my marriage and mental health. Don’t forget about your husband; he needs you as much as you need him.

23. Choose a Daycare or Babysitter Early

Planning, discussing, and deciding who will care for your sweet baby when you return to work is essential. Discussing a few options with your partner is good because you will feel different about decisions after you have that baby in your arms.

When I was pregnant, my husband and I talked about him becoming a stay-at-home dad throughout my entire pregnancy. We thought we had a plan. After the first month with our baby, we quickly realized it was not the best option for our marriage and his sanity.

And we needed a backup plan!

I searched the internet for babysitters and nannies. Taking my baby to a daycare was a deal breaker for me. I knew I needed to hire someone to care for my baby at home while I worked. We got lucky because my sister was looking for a new job. So, I hired her instead, and it was the best decision for my family, our finances, and my peace of mind!

Best Babysitting or Nanny Services:

If you are searching for a babysitter or nanny, I recommend you look at the following sites.

24. Negotiate Work Success

If you are a new-time mom, returning to work can be challenging. Times have changed, and employers are more understanding and compassionate to moms. I work from home, and I must have a flexible work schedule.

I set goals with clear deliverables and deadlines so that I can succeed without a rigid schedule and being tied to a desk all day. Also, you are not alone—network within your company or profession to find other working moms.

25. Set Work Boundaries

Set boundaries with your work and establish specific work hours to maintain a work-life balance.

  • Create a designated area for children’s schoolwork and keep it organized to minimize stress during homework time.
  • Create a designated workspace at home to keep you focused and organized for remote work.

25. Overcome Mom Guilt.

I still have mom guilt. And every time it starts to creep up, I think of all the good things I do as a mom. I am imperfect and make mistakes, but I do many things right! I am a good mom!

Recognize that mom guilt is often driven by unrealistic expectations or societal pressure. Remind yourself that you are doing the best you can and that it is normal to make mistakes.

If mom guilt and self-doubt persist and become overwhelming, never hesitate to seek professional help. I do not do well with therapists, so I looked for alternative solutions and found Tonya Melendez, a licensed spiritual counselor. She helped me find clarity during those overwhelming first days back at work.

26. Set Realistic Expectations

Adjust your expectations for yourself and your children to align with reality. Recognize that you cannot be a perfect parent 100% of the time, and that’s okay. Focus on doing your best and having quality interactions with your children rather than striving for perfection.

27. Ask for Help!

Every mom has unique home and family circumstances. Whether you are a single mom, a full-time working mother, or a stay-at-home mom, asking for help is never easy.

So, swallow your pride or hesitation and stop trying to do it all by yourself.

You do not want to be Miss Independent. You need to ask for help and let your loved ones help you. If you do not have family, seek community resources or pay for cleaning, cooking, or babysitting services.

busy moms


Juggling work and family life is no easy feat, but it can be done with the right strategies and a positive mindset. From mastering time management to celebrating small victories, these practical tips and life hacks are designed to help you find calm in the chaos and thrive as a working mom. So, remember to take care of yourself, celebrate your achievements, and most importantly, enjoy being a working mom.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I be a successful working mom?

Be proactive and manage your commitments effectively: rehearse to prepare for transitions, plan your calendar, frame your working-parent messages thoughtfully, use “today plus 20 years” thinking to keep perspective, and prioritize your spouse and family. Make sure to give yourself grace, reduce distractions, find childcare you trust, and get up before the kids. Finally, let go of the mom guilt and don’t try to do it all – balance your work and parenting duties with meaningful activities!

What do working moms struggle with the most?

Working moms struggle most with finding a balance between work and family life, feeling guilty for not being able to devote enough time to both, and the added burden of managing finances.

What is depleted mother syndrome?

Depleted mother syndrome is an overwhelming state of emotional and physical exhaustion felt by mothers struggling to keep up with the pressures of parenting. Many moms feel they need to do everything perfectly in order to be successful, creating an untenable situation.

How can working moms master time management?

Working moms can master time management by focusing on family, utilizing online services, maximizing lunch break, and establishing a nightly routine – so that you can give the best of yourself to your family and career.

What benefits do time blocking and task batching offer to working moms?

Time blocking and task batching offer working moms tangible benefits like increased productivity, streamlined tasks, and improved work-life balance – helping them take back control of their time.

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