Inside a Work From Home Mom Schedule With A Corporate Job and Multiple Side Hustles

What is my work from home mom schedule?

As a work from home mom with a corporate job and multiple side hustles, my schedule is jam-packed but fulfilling. Juggling all these responsibilities can sometimes be overwhelming, but I can make it work with careful planning and time management.

In this blog post, I will take you inside a typical day in my life to give you a glimpse of what my work from home mom schedule looks like.

Morning Routine

My day usually starts bright and early at 4:30 AM. I first hop in the shower, get dressed, and do my minimal makeup and skincare routine. I then spend some time reading, journaling, or setting my intentions for the day.

By 5:00 AM, I make myself my favorite smoothie, take my prenatal, reset my home office, and turn on my favorite humidifier.

work from home mom

At 5:30 AM, I am ready to hustle and grind! I use these early hours to focus on my side hustles. I have a Mom Blog and a YouTube channel, sell digital products, and develop online training courses for various clients.

By 8:00 AM, I make myself a cup of coffee to help kickstart my corporate job tasks. I answer emails, make phone calls, attend virtual meetings, and work on projects for the next few hours.

Around 9:00 AM, my nanny arrives and prepares my son for the day. Afterward, my husband leaves, so he helps with my son, and I get to have the entire morning just for myself without distractions.

work from home mom schedule

Mid-Morning Break

Around 10:00 AM, I take a short break to stretch, grab a snack, and check in on my side hustles. I may respond to customer inquiries or plan blog posts or YouTube videos. Then, I return to more virtual meetings and corporate project work.

Lunch Break

At 12:00 PM, I take a lunch break. This is also when I spend quality time with my son. We eat together, walk, or play with the dogs in the backyard. If it is raining or too cold to go outside, I read stories or teach him new words during this focused time with him.

work from home mom schedule

Afternoon Routine

From 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, I focus on my corporate job tasks. This may involve following up on internal clients, project work, or attending more virtual meetings. I stay focused and get a lot done during these ‘working hours’ by using time blocks for my tasks.

Around 4:00 PM, my nanny finishes the day, and I usually go outside for a quick walk around the neighborhood lake or play with the dogs with my son.

From 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM, I usually take a nap with my son. On Thursdays, we take my son to swim class, so I skip my nap time this day.

work form home schedule

Evening Routine

Around 6:00 PM, my son and I eat dinner (my nanny usually preps lunch, and we eat leftovers). I also prep dinner for my husband. My son and I will also do a few household chores, like washing dishes, vacuuming, washing clothes, or taking out the trash.

At 7:00 PM, my son and I get a quick workout. Yes, he joins me in the home gym! I love sharing this time with him because he sees me lifting weights, running, or trying to follow the Peloton BootCamp workouts. He thinks it’s so much fun and tries to mimic my moves.

Around 8:00 PM, my husband arrives from work, and we have family time with him. Sometimes, we do fun family activities or watch something on Disney Plus. My son sometimes prefers independent play, and my husband and I will sit back and relax.

work from home mom schedule

Bedtime Routine

Around 9:00 PM, I start winding down for the day. I also start bath time for my son and prepare him for bed. (Yes, he has a late bedtime but also wakes up late.) I let my son watch his favorite Disney movie (which changes monthly) while I do some reading or journaling.

Hire My Mom

Creating a Home Mom Schedule That Works for You

Although this is my current ‘typical’ work at home mom daily schedule, I expect it to change after I give birth to my second son this year. I may not be able follow this strict schedule, keep up with my kids’ activities and school, and maintain a ‘normal life.’ So, I am mentally preparing for these changes.

The key is to be flexible and realistic!

7 Steps for Creating Your Work at Home Mom Schedule Template

Here are the steps that I recommend for all the new work at home moms trying to balance a healthy home and work life balance.

  1. Write down nap time (for you and your toddler)
  2. Write down meal times
  3. Add in playtime and activities
  4. Add in household tasks
  5. Add in work hours
  6. Make time for yourself
  7. Make your schedule visible and share it with your husband and nanny (or family)

Balancing a work from home mom schedule with a corporate job and multiple side hustles is no easy feat, but with dedication and perseverance, it is possible. By carefully planning out my day and prioritizing tasks, I can manage my time effectively and stay on top of my various responsibilities. While my schedule may be busy, I wouldn’t trade it for anything, as it allows me to pursue my passions and support my family.

This blog post was all about a Work From Home Mom Schedule!

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